Bib taps (often used for garden taps) screw directly into a special fitting, such as a wallplate elbow.
The pickguard was first Bakelite, soon thereafter it was celluloid (later plastic), screwed directly onto the body with five (later eight) screws.
Each of the 1,800 light bulbs screw directly into the facade.
Smaller faucet filters screw directly onto the faucet spout.
And the gun - it had, the sentry automatically noticed, a silencer screwed to the end of the barrel-was pointed directly at him.
Today some fan mounts use either lag bolts or J-hooks that screw directly into the joists or wooden cross beams.
A simple router table consists of a rigid top with the router bolted or screwed directly to the underside.
When fixing into the ceiling, you should ensure that you screw directly into the joists.
The others had finished their job; the jets were in place, screwed directly into the carbon-dioxide ice.
(Some microphones screw directly onto the boom.)