Besides scriptural evidences, historical and semi-historical evidence is available for equating Ahirs with Yadav.
Both sides of the argument used the doctrines of the movement and scriptural evidence to support their case.
This belief is based both upon scriptural evidence from the Bible and Book of Mormon and upon accounts of such miracles performed by Smith.
Their objections are based on the paucity of scriptural evidence for the pre-Tribulation Rapture which forms the basis for the story.
While there is debatable scriptural evidence (such as that in Colossians 2:11-12), paedobaptists believe that infant baptism is the New Testament counterpart to circumcision.
There is no scriptural evidence for this event whatsoever, nor is the alleged relic the subject of any pronouncement by the Ecumenical Councils or the Holy Fathers.
There he taught that speaking in tongues was the scriptural evidence for the reception of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Jiva took the work of Gopala Bhatta and expanded it into six books wherein he systematically presents the philosophy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with scriptural evidences.
They point out that there is no scriptural evidence that she was a prostitute.
They used scriptural evidence from the Purusha Sukta and Puranas to support this point of view.