These sonnets tend to draw even more heavily on daily scriptural readings than the preceding 75.
Instead, priests are expected to discuss the Vatican document when it seems relevant to the scriptural reading or when questions have been raised in the community.
For an hour, over a breakfast they take turns making, they discuss the meaning of that week's scriptural reading in their family and business lives.
The Creed is recited at Mass, and there are two scriptural readings, not one, before the Gospel.
The latter phrase indicates the possible general use of the work, as the cantata text has no real direct relevance to the scriptural readings.
They belonged to women who had assisted at the Mass by distributing communion and giving scriptural readings.
Emphasis was placed on the scriptural readings, congregational singing and on the Easter sermon.
Other services have scriptural readings also.
The General Instruction thus makes no distinction between men and women for proclaiming the scriptural readings in the absence of an instituted lector.
Sunday services consist of thirty minutes of silent mediation, singing, prayers, a scriptural reading, a sermon, and Communion.