Handsome actors play the killers, and scrupulous attention is given to their grooming.
On the other hand, they also paid scrupulous attention to making sure that fires would not break out from their own residences.
For Mednis, having a family wasn't important, although he loved his children and reared them with a scrupulous attention.
Born actor that he was, he set his stage with scrupulous attention to every fine detail.
The dolls she saw there were beautifully made and had the scrupulous attention to detail that elevated them to art.
Second, he paid scrupulous attention to the materials he used.
"The execution seems to be done with scrupulous attention to the privacy and civil liberties implications."
What this means, above all, is that it must pay scrupulous attention to the rights of the accused.
Like many women, I find scrupulous attention to personal hygiene slightly sinister in a man.
He prided himself on paying scrupulous attention to details and safety, his family said.