The store was typical of those in rural areas: a scuffed wooden floor, ceiling fans, shelves with thousands of various items packed close together.
Nearly all tours have a "no shoes allowed" policy, to prevent scuffed floors, not to mention tracking of dirt or mud onto carpets.
Four hours later, amid the discarded colorful wrapping paper, Derek found himself playing toys on the scuffed floor with the children.
There was a scuffed concrete floor under their feet.
Muldan remained solidly inert on the scuffed floor, cigar still in hand.
He came around Sammy's desk, striding toward her, boots thundering against the scuffed wooden floors.
Jenny... As he stared at the scuffed gray floor, her name lingered in his mind with twisting apprehension.
As she headed toward the library, her shoes whispered over the scuffed floor, a sound that echoed in the colossal foyer.
A rectangle of dull grayish light fell upon the scuffed floor of the corridor.
That's when I spotted the piece of cardboard between her feet on the scuffed floor.