In profile, Whitney's finely sculpted features looked too lovely to be real.
He was a handsome man, almost sinfully so, with his sculpted features and thickly lashed dark eyes.
Her face had also lost the babyish look, and now had the sculpted features of a striking young woman.
Her mother's sculpted features and jet-black hair were even more lovely than she remembered.
She tilted her head, closed her eyes, let the fierce white sun shine on her sculpted features.
She was so beautiful, like a model, such delicate, fragile, sculpted features.
Tall and slender, with distinct, sculpted features that I couldn't make myself forget.
He stared hard at Jerry's sculpted features, as if looking for something.
By the time Clan entered his office, his one human secretary rushed to him, a stricken look on her fashion model's sculpted features.
These were the sculpted features of a queen among queens, truly an immortal.