Five serious bidders wanted to take home "Seated Nude" (1959), a large sculptural image of a woman.
The pictures that resulted are unusual sculptural images of a natural force, all shot in black and white.
Approached by an elegant stairway, the impressive temple built on the hill top is decorated with exquisite sculptural images.
(Clear discussion of attitudes to sculptural images in classical times).
This somber sculptural image conveys the bureaucratic formality of the process that ended two months ago when the artist finally became a citizen.
During the Kushana period (1st to 3rd century), the sculptural images of the matrikas first appear in stone.
In each case, a sculptural image is almost startling vivified.
These two abstract sculptural images, which mirror each other, sink into the wall and bulge out from it.
Despite the sea-going performance of the vessel, its design has been described as misleading because of over-reliance in the plan on cramped sculptural images.
This was meant to enhance the sculptural image as well as provide an ambiance to the temple interior.