It was an aggressively sculptural but brilliantly inventive project that ended Mr. Bunshaft's active years on a note of high creativity.
The occasion was the mocking-up of a sculptural project commissioned by the chateau's owner, Francois Pinault.
In progress is another sculptural project inspired by the round clusters of tree roots.
As a visual art studio, LuckyMe has undertaken design work in the fashion and music industries, completing print, film, public events, websites, and sculptural projects.
Alice Aycock painted studies for a sculptural project, floating images of swirling, elasticized architectural elements on rich red or purple pages.
These works surrounded four large-scale sculptural projects created by contemporary artists Maya Lin, Mary Lucier, Kerry James Marshall, and Malcolm Cochran.
Beginning in the 1730s, he was involved with the Santa Maria della Fava sculptural project which took him several decades to complete.
That same year the City Council of "Minas de Riotinto" offers him to develop a new sculptural project on the same subject (a new sculpture of a miner).
The second section concentrates on major sculptural projects, using autograph models and drawings as well as copies and derivations.
Since 1985 she has been using crude unprocessed flax paper mass for sculptural projects, where objects often hanged freely in space.