Two years after his return to Paris in 1945 he produced, for instance, a sculpture called "The Nose."
A show of sculptures called Art Rock is parked in Rockefeller Plaza.
Rukiya has written on her gallery website that sculptures, called ancestor figures, are often created in Africa to represent deceased loved ones.
A sculpture called "The Maker's Hand" is reminiscent of these templates.
Another more contemplative part of the installation is a tall, complex sculpture called "Playwright's Tower."
To the left of the entrance is a larger and more complicated marble sculpture called "Cove."
Within this cave was found the 13,000 year old sculpture called Swimming Reindeer.
Surprised, she had asked him why he appeared to so dislike the sculpture, called Tormented Vision.
His sculpture in the lobby of Taipei 101, called 1-0 (2002, aluminum), uses multicolored numbers.
In 1914, he also began sculpting and the following year created perhaps his best known sculpture called Boccioni's Fist.