The summer after his sculpture class, to keep himself busy on a road trip, he made a quilt out of white underwear.
Eight ceramics and sculpture classes share a 900-square-foot space each week.
Rais was introduced to blacksmithing in a sculpture class at the age of 18.
All the more reason that when a school like Parsons offers a sculpture class for children, you want to sign up.
She remembers sneaking over to the art school to take sculpture classes.
Littleton's interest in art began in high school, where he took life drawing and sculpture classes.
He also took a sculpture class during his freshman year at the University of Michigan.
It felt like the stand that she used to hold the beautiful blue clay pot from her sculpture class.
At the sculpture class she expressed a wish to carve in hard stone.
Then she took a sculpture class with a professor "who really understood," she said.