The sculpture commemorates the fact that Vimto was originally produced on this site.
A sculpture commemorating the victims is being forged and is to be given to the city this fall.
Each sculpture in the series commemorates a prophet of the Hebrew Bible.
Today a small, informal sculpture on the site of the crash, a paper plane with its nose drilled into the soil, is commemorating the event.
A sculpture and a street commemorate Zichy's work in Tbilisi.
Meanwhile, a monumental sculpture commemorating a different, earlier tragedy was unveiled outside the Financial Center last month.
The sculpture commemorates the wild mustangs that were historically important inhabitants of much of Texas.
The sculpture commemorates the purchase of the land the Westchester is built on from the Wackquaeskecks tribe in 1683.
This sculpture commemorates Limestone becoming Indiana's official state stone on March 1, 1971.
She is internationally known for her wall and ceiling murals, most notably her concrete sculptures commemorating the September 11 attacks.