The series consists of a number of large sculptures inspired by Hummel figurines and has been described as kitsch.
The exhibition includes several large sculptures inspired by chess pieces.
He began work on a series of kinetic sculptures inspired by 1930 California-architecture, titled "Monuments to the Automata".
Rachael Neubauer's sculptures, inspired by pharmaceutical packaging, deliver the instant face-lift of a smile.
Our daughter, Devon Fairchild, saw it as art and created a sculpture inspired by this old steel-beam frame.
Recent work includes an exhibition at the American Center for Physics displaying a series of sculptures inspired by concepts from quantum physics.
For the past three years Mrs. Seiden has specialized in sculptures inspired from "the sensational headlines of the day."
In November 2008, a sixth sculpture inspired by the film was released.
This can be seen particularly well in his sculptures, inspired by the study of classical models.
He began his first series of sculptures inspired by the wood discarded in the streets next to his studio on lower Broadway.