He ran as quietly as possible to the sculptured door and opened it.
True, the cabin is handsome and serenely technical, the sculptured doors and dash trimmed with dense, rubberized composites in contrasting colors and textures.
He walked down the long, dimly lit corridor at the end of which stood a third marine in front of a wide, sculptured door.
Outside the thick, sculptured door of his room was a wide hallway with Persian prayer rugs scattered over a glistening dark floor, and muted candelabra on the walls.
In spring, it is a wedding factory, but the rest of the year, there is little distraction from its sculptured door, alabaster-paneled dome and 14th-century bell tower, the Miguelete.
Things cheer up around the corner, with the glorious Bergportaal, a richly sculptured French Gothic door; inside, the Treasury is a dazzling display of ecclestiastical glitz.
He reached the stone path under the eye of the concrete saint and spun left, racing toward the arched, sculptured doors and the marble steps.
This sculptured door was surveyed in 1993 as part of the Smithsonian's Save Outdoor Sculpture!
The sculptured doors to the throne room were locked, from the inside.
Others, like finely sculptured doors, beds and myriad dragons' heads, were variously decorative or of religious significance.