The sculptured features he always knew existed had asserted themselves, showing off high cheekbones, a stubborn jaw, and a delicate nose.
Geoffrey was every inch the aristocrat, with sculptured features, a firm gaze, and a neatly trimmed beard than ran under but not on his chin.
Dagny saw Rearden's face go white, so that even his lips became a sculptured feature, indistinguishable against his skin.
He was everything I was not: strikingly handsome, with the sort of sculptured features of a male model.
A makeup artist brushed rouge on the sculptured features of her face.
Her face was an artist's dream, sculptured features, high cheekbones, deep set green eyes, and a straight, sensual mouth.
Their beauty was the beauty of a statue; all sculptured features and chill affect.
She entered, a sleek, willowy brunette with a low-toned voice and sculptured features.
But now suddenly he saw how strikingly attrac- tive she was with her sculptured features, soft skin, and beautiful auburn hair.
She was a comely lass, with strong sculptured features, a dark complexion like her husband's, and flashing white teeth.