Deeply sculptured lines extend along the long hood from the windshield to the smoothly integrated bumper.
We went on and came to a pattern of artis-trees, a many-splendored thing, with ornate multicolored leaves and sculptured lines.
But now the clothes, too, are acquiring sleek and sculptured lines.
Trouble was he didn't like the sculptured lines of the pants.
Is it the clean, sculptured lines?
The last came with a tiny self-deprecataig smile, a gesture which made the sculptured lines of her mouth seem even more delicate and frail than before.
Miss Benjamin used her high extension and sculptured line to create a voluptuous image.
There are concentric sculptured lines showing periods of growth and a few faint radial lines near the hinge.
The cycles are lighter, easier to handle and more comfortable, with lower seats, smaller frames, sculptured lines and fashionable colors.
There are fine sculptured lines parallel to the margins, which are themselves smooth.