In and around 1982, the waiting line for the attraction had various spiels combined with sea chanties as mood music.
Some of these sea chanties were:
A visit to a planetarium and learning to sing sea chanties is also part of the program (860-572-5323).
The continuous entertainment varies from a battle of bands to sea chanties, jazz, country and Latin harp concerts to puppet shows for children to cabaret.
Known primarily for nautical music and sea chanties, they are among the best-known performers in that genre in the United States.
They can learn about sailors' knots and crafts, listen to old salts spin their yarns, and learn old-time sea chanties.
"The food was very good, and in the evening they had sea chanties," said Mr. Boiling, a collector of maritime art.
"So teach him some sea chanties."
Their repertory involves "a mixture of sea chanties, Irish tunes and haunting ballads."
Naturally, there will be seafood, sea chanties and an arts and crafts fair.