Her seas teemed with fishes and mermaids, whales grand with ancient wisdom, sunken cities.
The sea here teemed with life.
Jijo's upper sea teemed with life, much of it wholesome, if properly supplemented.
The seas of Pern teemed with aquatic life, and at least a few of the species could be safely consumed by humans.
For those of you"- her face took on a look of almost imperceptible disdain- "who consent to eat meat, the seas teem with fish, and the specimens you examined do not appear to contain any biohazards- although I would not want to hypothesize what they might do to your great-grandchildren.
The sea around us, which this rain recruits, teems with the race of fish; teach us, Lord, the meaning of the fishes.
The sea teemed with ships.
The Plathys have no need for the Eskimos' fishing skills, since the sea teems with life edible and stupid.
Unlike terrestrial habitats, the seas teem with a seemingly endless array of creatures, some so bizarre that years after their discovery they defy classification even into phyla, the principal groups for related types of life forms.
The seas teemed and flocks of Trueborn's flyers darkened the skies like storm clouds: kippies and bluewings and warblers and migrating stilts.