With his seafaring career to date spent working on steamships, Sanders decided to spend time under sail with the Craig Line.
Morrell's seafaring career continued, first with a voyage to the Pacific in the schooner Mary Oakley.
Once upon a time, I don't know why, I had a wish to paint everything that my eyes saw in the crazy seafaring career.
Throughout his seafaring career, Carroll discovered a few sunken reefs.
Most of Conrad's stories and many of his literary characters were drawn from events in his seafaring career and actual persons he had met.
At the age of 12 he began a seafaring career by joining his father, uncle, and two brothers at St. John's.
Early in his seafaring career a blaze had started in the cabin of a chief mate notorious for his drunkenness.
Drake's seafaring career continued into his mid-fifties.
Captain Parker commenced his seafaring career in 1815 and was a commander by 1831.
He pursued a seafaring career as quartermaster of the SS Chusan.