The seafaring cultures took to keeping these male Bekisars on their canoes at all times.
Caymanians were largely a seafaring culture and were familiar with the area from turtle fishing and other activities.
Its modest homes, white clapboard churches and seafaring culture recall New England, but the glittering skyscrapers of Manhattan are visible just 12 miles away.
To seafaring cultures like this one, the sea is a highway and not a divider.
From a seafaring culture, he has decorated his office with images of sailboats.
Wine-making here began many centuries before the birth of Christ, when the region was already inhabited by an advanced, seafaring culture.
Krapanj takes pride in its origins of deep sea diving and generally personifies a seafaring culture.
The Ngaro were unique in their seafaring culture and technology.
But the truth is that every seafaring culture boasts a basic pot of thick fish soup.
Recent archeological studies show there was a seafaring culture in Southern California in 8,000 B.C.