He was born into a seafaring family who were practicing Lutherans but no more than that.
Perhaps only a seafaring family could appreciate their predicament.
He was born into a seafaring family.
Long before I settled me on the river with my second husband, my family was a seafaring family.
He was born in Wiscasset, Maine to a ship-owning and seafaring family.
Smalley is from a seafaring family, and lives in London with his wife, Clytie.
Sansei, from a seafaring family, grandparents Greek and Indian.
Born into a seafaring family, Adamson excelled in wood carving as a child.
Hawthorne's large genre scenes of Provincetown's early seafaring Portuguese families are particularly appealing.
He took a bit of money along, for he came of a mildly well-to-do seafaring family.