Mr. Safina was in the forefront of a movement last winter to enlist restaurants, chefs and seafood shops to stop selling swordfish.
It is home to a local grocery shop, chemist, seafood shop, Chinese Restaurant, bakery, medical centre and a real estate agency.
"There's a pretty good seafood shop over in Johannesburg, and..." "Silence!"
On one side of us, seafood shops and restaurants; on the other, a harbor filled with every variety of boat, from yachts to fishing junks.
The airport has a flight training school with two classrooms, fuel facilities and a seafood shop.
Zachary Treitz, a 21-year-old Louisville college student, admitted he had put the octopus there after purchasing it dead from a local seafood shop for a film project.
Finally, her business booms with her husband's help, and Oshin establishes a small but bustling raw seafood shop.
The sweet little scallops are available in several seafood shops near my home on eastern Long Island, but the prices are staggering, up to $18 a pound.
Open the clams or have them opened at the seafood shop.
The adjacent Marina, located just north of the Pier, is home to another half-dozen restaurants, a seafood shop, and a pub with almost 100 beers on tap.