Accommodating the above facilities while orchestrating seamless connections between the disparate areas of the campus is one of the Plan's greatest accomplishments.
But now carefully orchestrated bus service is making what Amtrak calls a "seamless connection" viable.
And this ends up being a seamless connection.
Velcro on each end of the mat allows a near seamless connection to additional mats for tumbling runs or expansive areas.
This feature offers easy and seamless connections with local transit.
But a number of technical experts remain skeptical about whether such technology will offer seamless connections between competing manufacturers' products.
Mr. Bush, they contended, did not understand the seamless connection between governing and politics, between making decisions and then selling them.
As such, the street actually runs perpendicular to the Cambie Bridge, and there is no seamless connection between the two.
I have a seamless connection to my office chair without sitting in it.
Often the painted passages create seamless connections between very different kinds of postcard images.