The seamless transfer of such services is an important skill in developing a national network.
Therefore the Reading started to pool locomotive power between its connecting railroads to provide a more seamless transfer of freight and passengers.
The most seamless transfers are in states like Florida, where public institutions have adopted a common numbering system.
A radio play also lends itself to the almost seamless transfer to webcasting.
The City of Tucson will operate the streetcar, and plans to implement seamless transfers with Sun Tran buses.
But there has been no seamless transfer of power this time.
Wanting to maintain the family's half-century tradition of a seamless transfer of power, Corallo endorsed Casso as his successor.
Installed in conjunction with the 1962 opening of the lower level express platforms, it makes a seamless and easy transfer between all lines from the three different areas mentioned above.
Haven't tried it but the goal is to allow seamless transfer of data between various online and offline services.
Nowadays, there must be a seamless transfer from one Presidency to another.