There was no tension, but mutual respect and a seamless unity in pursuit of the perfect throw.
Deep in the background, as Lituma eventually discovers, there's a seamless, dreadful unity to all of these themes.
Rawls's intent, rather, was to demonstrate that the authentically valuable features of the common notions of freedom and equality could be integrated into a seamless unity which he called justice as fairness.
The acting style - in movies like "Yentl," "The Way We Were" and "Nuts" - achieved seamless unity with the vocal style, which is to say "Barbra."
But he disrupts the work's seamless unity and almost touchless dotting technique with his own anxious patchwork approach to drawing.
At this point, the American and Korean sensibilities achieve seamless unity.
What Stanley Fish calls 'belief' is close to what Wittgenstein denotes by a 'form of life', where practice and guiding assumption form a seamless unity.
Boyd's singular reading of "Pale Fire" suggests a novel that is in fact startlingly harmonious, one in which life and death blend in seamless unity.
It is, therefore, the Einsteinian and operational approach to accept the seamless unity of UFO-observer and cease to separate them into "UFO" and "observer."
Yet Auster had, with ease and skill, woven Eduin's laran signature into a seamless unity with the others.