Take a look at the delicacy of that cable, the seamless way the artificial has been integrated with the organic in the brain.
Only that would account for the seamless way in which Selenay and her allies were presenting themselves.
Alas Alex, there is no real seamless way to run multiple distributions.
These tools are nice, and they integrate into the rest of the platform in a really seamless way.
The technique allows for the blending of two or more colors in a seamless way, with one color slowly becoming another color.
"They have sought out the best loan purveyors and made available a loan package in the most seamless way possible."
The annual report goes into great detail about the seamless way in which the crucial transition to 1999 was effected, a very important moment.
Once we find a way to fit these streams of data together in a seamless and secure way there will almost certainly be unexpected benefits.
It is only through the merging of old an new in the most seamless way that true and lasting change can be achived.
It combines both performance and user-friendliness in a seamless way and delivers a good experience.