More like this world, only seamier.
In the seamy world of jailhouse informers, treachery has long been their credo and favors from jailers their reward.
To Zach, William Gibson's seamy world must have read like the paradise of his wildest dreams.
In South Florida's seamy world of violent crime, our neighborhood's drama was just a minor hiccup.
When they get together, a family feud ensues, against the backdrop of the seamy world of pornography.
He is a bright spot in her sojourn through the seamy world of Government contracts.
This time he's in the seamy world of record producing.
Deja Vu makes the physical act of exploring this seamy world as simple as it can be.
"At the time it was considered daring for an artist to be depicting the seamy world of prostitution in the streets," he said.