Later, while the others were gorging themselves on the seared meat, he drew Mikah aside and pointed this out.
But burned human flesh smelled like any other seared meat.
It was the heavy odor of seared meat and charred pine boughs.
She grabbed Haven by the seared meat that had been his shoulders, and pulled his head into her lap.
Not all the fumes could escape, however, and the room was thick with haze and the odor of seared meat.
Don Hispete broke off a haunch of seared meat at its white-and-pink socket.
A brutal hiss and the stench of seared meat filled the room.
Ogar was hurrying along, no doubt scenting the odor of seared meat long before Blade would, and he did not look back.
Ferret seemed not to notice, eating the seared meat with great relish.
The substitute was a large portion of dry-rubbed and seared meat, lightly coated in a sweet soy syrup.