On the third day of the public inquiry, Mr Sherborne made a searing attack on the tabloid press in Britain.
Former President George Bush made an indirect but searing attack on the man who defeated him four years ago.
Instead, Taylor's searing verbal attacks were counterproductive as they galvanized the Vietnamese officers around the embattled Khanh.
The most searing attack came from an unlikely source: the chief prosecutor in Sapporo, one of Japan's largest cities.
As expected, the mounting size of the bank board obligations came under searing attack.
Yet he faces some of his most searing attacks from within his own party, which had held him up as its defender of low taxes.
But that wasn't what had made him Speaker; his searing attacks on the Democrats had done that.
That is where Mr. Bush's searing attacks on the social issues come in.
It was an excellent side show, at first, but it quickly degenerated into a searing attack on the general intellectual establishment.
The publication of such a searing attack on a member of the Politburo reflects the sense among party critics that the internal conflict is building to a climax.