The searing cold from the creature's touch was like a blow across the face.
The only woody vegetation were certain kinds of brush that could withstand both arid heat and searing cold.
He felt the searing cold of between.
With a gasp she felt the three men as they crept across the junk abovedecks; she felt the chill of their intent, the searing cold of their determination.
There was no searing cold, no pain beyond enduring.
Then he gave Mnementh the visualization of the early spring rainforest in Nerat, just before dawn, the vineflowers gleaming, the sea breaking against the rocks of the High Shoal.... He felt the searing cold of between.
Yet nothing could be worse than the Barriers, with its searing cold, and that great red mouth Yuli had once glimpsed through the scudding wrack of cloud, belching out lava down the smoking hillside.
The snows had vanished from the dead air; and a searing cold, like the breath of the infinite ether, was about Tortha.
Here the snow was harsh, packed hard by the searing cold, and molded into fantastic shapes by a slicing wind that could cleave flesh from bone and freeze blood in its heated passage.
Delays at the checkpoints are expected to grow longer as the starting time approaches, and that could make the evening a miserable one for spectators unaccustomed to the searing cold of midwinter in the Wasatch Valley.