In their retrospective review, BBC opined that the album "remains a searingly honest and decisive collection.
She is the author of Leaving India: My Family's Journey From Five Villages to Five Continents (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009), which Alice Walker has called "incomparable," and The Washington Post has characterized as "searingly honest."
On the book's American publication in 1997, one reviewer described it as "a bold, searingly honest and uncompromising novel" while another praised "Mantel's knack for leavening her weighty themes with seductive narrative strategies."
Although the jacket copy hails this novel as "searingly honest," Jay's powers of reflection are limited.
Colman matches him, in a searingly honest and exposed portrait of a forgiving woman pushed to the brink.
This is a searingly honest report.
In a searingly honest 1996 article - so honest that he's probably been forced by the thought police to disavow it - liberal journalist Nicholas von Hoffman summarized the Democrats' flaccid approach to Communism.
Shawnna's poems and reflections, like her photographs, are searingly honest.
Her searingly honest account of this period when the townships were under siege by both their residents and the government brings a critical chapter of South African history to life.