Early spring on the great plains is the most hellish season known in the United States.
The son became a regular during his first season, known as Dirty Harry for his hard tackling in games and practices.
The first season, known as "Genesis", begins as a seemingly ordinary group of people gradually becomes aware that they have special abilities.
The rainy season, known locally as invierno, or winter, extends from May to October.
This franchise was upgraded to a permanent one for the next season, known as the Toronto Arenas.
A third game in the heated rivalry took place the next season, known as the "Porkchop Bowl."
Two separate seasons, known as "Spring" and "Fall" take place each year.
Traditionally agriculture was based on lifting water to irrigate small parcels of land along river channels in the dry season, known as the Shadouf system.
The first season of the anime, known as the "1st stage", aired for 51 episodes, finishing its run on September 25, 2007.
That put his season batting average under .200, known as the "Mendoza Line".