A season-high crowd of 60,003 showed up to watch what turned out to be the Buccaneers' worst defeat in Tampa Stadium history.
A 3-1 Islander victory before a season-high crowd of 15,673 at Nassau Coliseum two nights after a depressing home thrashing at the hands of Tampa Bay.
Later that night, the Expos played their last game in Montreal, a 9-1 loss to the Florida Marlins before a season-high crowd of 31,395 fans.
The Nets' fifth straight triumph, in front of a season-high crowd of 15,638 in Continental Arena, equaled their biggest blowout of the Knicks, on Feb. 28, 1993.
Santa Anita will attract its usual season-high crowd of more than 65,000 for the race, but you have to be there to see it.
In front of a season-high crowd of 6,257 fans at Hawks Field on Saturday afternoon, the Huskers evened its series with Purdue with a 8-3 win.
A season-high crowd of 41,954 showed up on a warm Lone Star night, cheering Ryan like mad.
The last result of the month saw Derby crash 1-0 at home to Nottingham Forest in front of a season-high crowd of 33,010.
The Nets (7-2) had their five-game winning streak snapped in front of a season-high crowd of 17,318 at Continental Arena.
On February 13, 1961, Michigan won its first Big Ten Conference game, defeating Michigan State 78-67 in front of a season-high crowd of 6,500 at Yost Field House.