The town depends on outdoor tourism that increases its seasonal population to between 8000 and 10,000 persons.
As the town developed, Tyngsborough became a vacation community and had a large seasonal resident population even up until the late 1960s.
The town has more than 40 km of canals and a seasonal, summer population of around 80,000.
Besides this, the city has a large seasonal and migrant population which remains unaccounted.
The island currently (2005) has a seasonal population of 147 that include several descendants of the original group.
The region has a significant seasonal population much like other regions that depend on tourism as their main industry.
A substantial seasonal population swells the city during the winter months.
The island has a seasonal population of around 100 inhabitants.
The community, that once counted 150 or so residents, and a seasonal population sometimes reaching 400, was doomed.
A substantial seasonal population also spends its winters in the area.