At that time Sayville was predominantly a seasonal resort, and Father Divine's followers made good livings as native house sitters.
The Beach Hotel was a seasonal resort in Galveston, Texas.
The seasonal resort even had its own spur on the railroad, so visitors could easily make the trip from all over the country.
In that work, the author took the view that American high society showed itself most clearly and typically in its best-loved seasonal resorts.
"It's not a seasonal resort anymore," said Frank Newbold, a vice president of Sotheby's International Realty and manager of the East Hampton office.
The intent of the Beachfront North project - and by extension the redevelopment plan - is to reposition Long Branch as a year-round community, not just a seasonal resort.
The area was first settled in 1893 as a seasonal seaside resort for the growing upper middle class of Boston, Massachusetts.
Mr. Waksman said he hopes to expand the concept to motels in other seasonal resorts with house shares, like Aspen, Colo.
A seasonal resort is going to drive a harder bargain than a downtown business hotel that may yearn for business on summer weekends.
By 1900, Amityville was thriving as a seasonal resort for city residents and as a center for sanitariums and hospitals.