It is available by post, except in the summer months when there may be a seasonal shortage.
However, seasonal shortages occurred in most years and droughts ever six years on average.
It is used to address seasonal shortages of reserves, and is not a signal of any change in monetary policy.
Although Hoxworth suffers the usual seasonal shortages of just about any blood center, it has seldom had to resort to emergency appeals.
The Airport Authority hopes to address rising ticket prices and a seasonal shortage of available seats with the introduction of Frontier flights.
Water is drawn from the single source of the Waikanae River and seasonal shortages during the warmer months of the year constitute a growing problem for the township.
The Fed action was intended to address a seasonal shortage of reserves that if left unanswered could cause short-term rates to move higher than current Fed policy warrants.
It is a way to address seasonal shortages of reserves that if left unattended may cause short-term rates to move higher than the current Fed policy warrants.
When grain prices rise, a seasonal shortage is developing; if the rise carries through a harvest season, serious trouble is likely.
But the severity of this year's shortage combined with the predictability of seasonal shortages in general raises an underlying question about the reliability of the blood collection system.