The highest quality materials are used to manufacture and assemble each seat heater.
Once the desired temperature is reached, the seat heater can be turned off.
So most of them have got, for instance, seat heaters, which is a much more efficient way to heat you up.
I was dressed to travel short distances between warm houses and cars with seat heaters.
Truth be told, the seat heaters were half the reason I'd bought the Audi.
And no one in his right mind was flicking on an electric seat heater.
I bet he didn't even care that his Cherokee didn't have seat heaters.
Clearly, the seat heater was on, but where was the switch?
On a cold day, you can start up the seat heaters from a distance.
Paradoxically, it can run simultaneously with a seat heater, in case you emerge sweaty from the gym on a cold day.