Seats have a minimum seat pitch of 31 in (depending on the aircraft type).
These airlines all emphasize seat pitch - the distance between seats - in their business classes.
In coach, the seat pitch is usually 31 to 34 inches.
Domestic First Class has a seat pitch of 39 to 40 inches.
Economy Class seats are arranged in a 2-4-2 manner, with a seat pitch between 32 and 33 inches.
The latter were used on production 200 series trains with increased seat pitch.
I'm 6'3" and a 30" seat pitch is usually a disaster for me.
Introduced from 1978 with increased seat pitch and improved cold-weather performance.
Economy offers 32 inches of seat pitch and a buy-on-board meal service.
The A340 aircraft offer the same product with increased seat pitch of 33.5inches.