The first event, a fund-raiser on June 1, is planned as an elegant waterfront dinner in the park, with seats priced at $400, $600, or $1,000.
Tickets for the concerts, which sold out, were modestly priced, with seats priced at $3.00, $3.50, and $4.00.
What's worse, she added, the most expensive seats, priced at $70, are moving the slowest.
The seats, normally priced as high as $317, will be made available 90 minutes before the performance during half of the weeks in the season.
And yet, at Hampden Park, where seating capacity for boxing is 51,500, nearly 40,000 seats, priced from $50 to $850, have already been sold.
Tickets can be reserved by calling 785-6670 for seats priced from $45 to $1,000.
Because general-admission tickets are in areas that can become rowdy, reserved seats, priced from $40 to $80, are suggested for tourists.
Worse, the flight was full except for a single first-class seat, priced at a terrifying $2,200, one-way.
With every seat priced at $10, this festival, which ends on Sunday night, is a real bargain.
The seats priced in the middle are the toughest to get rid of.