Last season, a given seat at Shea sold for the same price every day.
In January, a seat on the exchange sold for a record low price of $975,000.
Before the announcement of the deal on April 20, a seat sold for $1.6 million.
A seat on the exchange sold for $100,000 yesterday, up from $70,000 the day before and the 1987 high of $58,000.
A seat on the coffee exchange recently sold for $160,000.
A seat sold for as little as $42,000 last year, down from $200,000 in 1984.
Every seat sold, it was more like a gig than a movie.
Three seats sold on Sept. 5 for $2 million each, the highest price of the year.
On game days, some $25 seats will sell for $10.
Some seats have sold for more than $1,000 through classified ads.