It had revised front seats, a matt-black chin spoiler and plusher trim, with the seats upholstered in Zegna materials.
Sarai stepped into the office and found a chair, one with a dragon carved on the back and the seat upholstered in brown velvet.
The hall is heavily raked, its seats upholstered in scarlet to match the silk damask wall covering in Pierpont Morgan's study.
The room's only chair was a fragile-looking thing with twisted wire legs and a heart-shaped seat upholstered in pink metal-flake plastic.
Like all the others in the room, it had thin curved legs and a narrow seat upholstered in stripes of green and cream.
In one room there's a suite of furniture made of pale-gilded wood with backs, seats and arms upholstered in lilac velvet plush.
This also featured its wheels painted to match the body color and seats upholstered in tweed Grey and Aubergine.
The entryway beyond was long and ornate, furnished with three circular seats upholstered with red fabric set in a line down the middle of the room.
The spartanly equipped little car (with the rear seat upholstered in vinyl, for instance) was only offered in "marble white".
A new body colour (brilliant silver metallic) was added, while seats upholstered in pearl suede and leather became standard.