She tried to tempt Junior and me with her seaweed soup or cracked wheat or raw rhubarb, but we stuck to our own diets.
The table is set mainly with a rice cake of pretty rainbow layers, seaweed soup, and fruits.
Miyeok guk (seaweed soup) is served on every birthday after the first birthday to remind people of what their mother went through to bring them into the world.
One is with Korean clear soup, and the other is with seaweed soup.
Dinner was boiled eggs and seaweed soup eaten on large mats in front of the TV.
Utterly bland seaweed soup is a complete washout.
In Korea, the traditional birthday dish is a seaweed soup.
Traditionally, Koreans eat seaweed soup on their birthdays.
When I break my fast on gulls' eggs and seaweed soup, I'll be certain of it.
That was the best that offered, as the land did not seem to have seaweed soup or sea cucumbers.