The Sepia was a seaworthy craft; but its crew was small.
These Arab dhows are some of the most seaworthy craft that ever sailed salt water.
It was not long before people began going further afield in these new, extremely seaworthy craft, and ocean racing began to emerge.
Adding to the sport's popularity is the realization that kayaks have, over the past few years, become a much more seaworthy craft.
Even with a seaworthy craft, the builders also needed to get official papers to allow them to freely sail the ocean.
At such times as you have a seaworthy craft to sail off in, I keep half of your crew as hostages.
Experienced sailors in search of a more seaworthy craft should ask at the local yacht harbor.
With this more seaworthy craft, they decided to flee to Cuba.
Tomorrow and Sunday such an offer promises to attract young sailors, who will each return from the docks with a seaworthy craft.
Now at last they saw a feasible plan for leaving the island upon a seaworthy craft.