Two hours later, they reached the highest part of the pass and looked down on their secluded valley.
Four nights later the prince found himself waiting alone in the secluded valley for his new bride.
As his punishment, he is required to enter an abandoned house in a secluded valley, then jump through a window to climb down a tree.
The ground fell away toward a secluded, cuplike valley.
It was a perfect summer morning in that bright secluded valley.
The area is known for its beautiful mountains and secluded valleys.
What can he do from some secluded valley in the desert?
The village was in a small, secluded valley and, despite the cold, there was the of spring in the air.
There was a spectacular view, a green secluded valley with the mountains towering all around.
Instead, she leads them to the secluded valley belonging to Medwyn, a place which only animals are able to find.