Bird's historic basket came with 3 minutes 40 seconds gone in the third quarter.
With just 46 seconds gone in the third quarter, Houston sank a 3-point shot.
One play, 76 yards, a 7-0 Raider lead with only 1 minute 50 seconds gone in the game.
The Devils surrendered just their 23d power-play goal of the season with 9 minutes 53 seconds gone.
But with only two seconds gone in the second quarter, Minnesota began a drive at its 31 that led to the game's first points.
You are unconscious within seconds, gone very soon thereafter.
Tyson got in a short right to the jaw with 50 seconds gone.
"One major thing, that is correct," Ross said, his face once again serious as usual, the welcoming smile of seconds before gone without a trace.
So even if God made a universe this way, theory showed that it should gurgle down the drain in 10.37 seconds, gone forever.
Luis watched the slow drift of events, more seconds gone.