The yards were tiny and washing hung from lines at second-floor level to catch a bit of wind.
They are broken at second-floor level by a small balcony with balustrades.
The seven window openings built into the roof at second-floor level are original, but fitted with modern windows.
The other windows are plain sashes, although those at second-floor level have bands and panels of brick around them.
The car angled closer, keeping slightly above second-floor level.
The yard is surrounded by a portico at the second-floor level.
There was a balcony that ran clear around the second-floor level.
At second-floor level, there is a modern three-part window.
It wasn't that he didn't get on with people, because he hardly ever met people, except those whose activities took them above, say, second-floor level.
Three bedrooms other than her own took up space on the second-floor level.