In addition, reusing second-hand items is a form of recycling, and thus reduces the amount of waste going to landfill sites.
For buyers, such sites supply a place to go to buy commodities at discounted prices, second-hand items or difficult to find collectibles.
He offers some fine second-hand items such as computer parts, rare items, and even illegal paraphernalia.
It also includes transfers of second-hand items that have not previously been available in the UK.
Antiques and that amorphous category of second-hand items known as collectibles used to be the staple of flea markets.
A consignor brings their second-hand items in to be reviewed.
I've bought a number of good-quality second-hand items and they've all been excellent value.
What second-hand items should I avoid?
At the Wednesday market an open-air auction of poultry, farm produce and second-hand items of great variety is conducted.
The members of Spin mostly sold second-hand items such as stationery and photo frames.