However, 37.7% of Washington commuters take public transportation to work, also the second-highest rate in the country.
However, 37% of Washington-area commuters take public transportation to work, the second-highest rate in the country.
More than 96 per cent say their language at home is English, the second-highest rate in Alberta.
Half of the riding's residents are categorized as low-income, the second-highest rate in the province.
Nearly a third of its residents are poor, the second-highest rate in the nation after Detroit.
Pakistan has the second-highest rate of deforestation in the world.
Businesses in Florida, the state with the second-highest rate, paid $4.50.
Asia had the second-highest rate, with 1.260 fatal accidents per million flights.
Congo has the world's second-highest rate of infant mortality (after Chad).
This is a significant decline, but leaves Russia with still the second-highest rate of abortions per capita.