Jordan is the second-largest individual investor behind Johnson and will oversee the development of the fledgling team, which has gone 44-120 over its two seasons.
The arrangement seemed to be working well until March 10, when Mr. Gardini announced that he had achieved effective control of the company by buying out the second-largest investor.
Anyone buying Gillette stock will also be going against the grain of the company's second-largest investor, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company.
Imperial, with $9.7 billion in assets, is the industry's second-largest "junk bind" investor.
Lim is also the second-largest investor in fashion distributor FJ Benjamin.
China was the second-largest investor, spending US$45.5 billion on renewables.
Spain is now the second-largest foreign investor in such key sectors of the Brazilian economy as telecommunications and electrical power, exceeded only by the United States.
If present economic trends continue, Japan will emerge in the 1990's as the region's second-largest foreign investor, creditor and trading partner.
In a single stroke, the Chinese have become that country's second-largest foreign investor.
Spain is the second-largest investor in Argentina, following the United States.