About four years ago, when my second-oldest son, Uri, was to join the army, I could no longer follow my recent ways.
It hit Carl Hansen hard and in 1934 his second-oldest son, Holger Hansen, took over the business after his father.
"We're all pretty thin-skinned," said Jeb Bush, at 35 the President-elect's second-oldest son.
Recently, he even helped her forge a new relationship with her second-oldest son, who is now 4.
His parents were William Few, Sr., and Mary Wheeler (James was their second-oldest son).
The name of Qaddafi's second-oldest son and possible successor, Seif el-Islam al-Qaddafi, is seldom spoken, either.
William was the second-oldest son of John Jacob Astor and Sarah Todd.
Feeling that she was too young, however, her parents had their second-oldest son, Robert (Mac) accompany them back to Chicago.
The governance of Brandenburg passed to Frederick I's second-oldest son, Frederick II.
Last year, her second-oldest son, Kasheem, started to have seizures during his senior year at Beach Channel High School.