The endorsements are to come on what is, in effect, the second-to-last day remaining for the Democratic contenders to campaign outright before the primary.
The released version was Take 72, completed on the second-to-last day of shooting.
With two homers on the second-to-last day of the season and one more in the season finale.
On the second-to-last day of camp, with her friends cheering, she finally skied off the dock.
They won 91 games last season and were eliminated from the playoff race on the second-to-last day of the season.
The inter-house Glee competition has been held yearly since the summer of 2011, on the second-to-last day of summer.
Her funeral was on the second-to-last day before he came here.
Billy Meyer resigned as manager on September 27, the second-to-last day of the season.
The election was scheduled to take place sixty days after Sukhumbhand resigned on 9 January 2013, his second-to-last day of office.
Boxes were piled throughout the room, and players acted as if yesterday was the second-to-last day of the season.